Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs) have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to ensure that development projects benefit the communities in which they are located. CBAs are contracts between developers and community organizations, local governments, or other stakeholders, in which the developer agrees to provide certain benefits to the community in exchange for support or approval of the project.

What Are Community Benefit Agreements?

Community Benefit Agreements are legally binding documents signed between developers and community organizations, local governments, or other stakeholders to ensure that development projects provide a range of benefits to residents, workers, and businesses in the area. CBAs typically require developers to provide a range of benefits, such as affordable housing, job training, local hiring, environmental improvements, and infrastructure upgrades.

CBAs are typically negotiated and signed before a project is approved, and they often involve community organizations and advocates who work to ensure that the agreement prioritizes the needs and concerns of local residents. The agreements are designed to address the potential negative impacts of development projects and to ensure that the benefits of the projects are shared by the communities in which they are located.

Why Are Community Benefit Agreements Important?

Community Benefit Agreements are important because they help to ensure that development projects benefit the communities most affected by them. They can help to reduce the negative impacts of development and ensure that the benefits of development are shared equitably.

For example, a CBA might require a developer to provide affordable housing units in a new development that will be available to low-income residents. Alternatively, a CBA might require a developer to provide job training and local hiring opportunities for residents in the community. By requiring these types of benefits, CBAs can help to create more equitable and sustainable communities.

Additionally, CBAs can help to improve relationships between developers and the communities in which they operate. By involving community organizations and advocates in the negotiation process, developers can build stronger relationships with the communities they serve. This can help to promote transparency and accountability, which can lead to better outcomes for everyone involved.


Community Benefit Agreements are an important tool for ensuring that development projects provide benefits to the communities in which they are located. CBAs are designed to address the potential negative impacts of development and to ensure that the benefits of development are shared equitably. By requiring developers to provide affordable housing, job training, local hiring opportunities, and other benefits, CBAs can help to create more equitable and sustainable communities.