Plea Agreement Offences: What You Need to Know

A plea agreement is a legal procedure whereby the prosecution and the defendant agree to settle the case before going to trial. Under this agreement, the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge or to cooperate with the prosecution in exchange for a lighter sentence.

Plea agreements have become a common legal practice in most countries, and they have been used to resolve cases ranging from minor traffic offences to serious criminal charges. However, in some cases, a plea agreement offence can have serious consequences for the defendant, even after the case is settled.

What is a plea agreement offence?

A plea agreement offence occurs when a defendant violates the terms of the agreement after it has been approved by the court. This may include failing to comply with the terms of the plea bargain, violating probation, or committing new offences while the case is still ongoing.

Once a plea agreement is breached, the prosecution can declare the agreement null and void, and the defendant will be subjected to the full extent of the law. This means that the defendant can face the maximum penalty for the crime they were initially charged with, without the possibility of a lighter sentence.

Examples of plea agreement offences include failure to attend mandatory counselling sessions, drug or alcohol tests, or community service. In some cases, a defendant may also fail to pay restitution or fines as agreed upon in the plea bargain.

What are the consequences of a plea agreement offence?

A plea agreement offence can have severe consequences for the defendant, including the cancellation of the plea agreement, a longer prison sentence, and a permanent criminal record. It may also affect their chances of getting a job, renting a property, or obtaining a loan in the future.

The severity of the consequences will depend on the seriousness of the offence committed. For example, if a defendant has violated the terms of the plea bargain by committing another crime, they may be charged with the new offence, in addition to the original crime.

In some cases, a plea agreement offender may have to pay restitution or damages to the victim as part of their sentence. They may also be required to complete community service, attend classes or therapy sessions, or comply with any other conditions set forth in their sentence.


While a plea agreement can offer defendants a way to avoid harsher sentences, it is essential to remember that violating the terms of the agreement can have serious consequences. It is important to understand the terms of the agreement and to comply with them fully to avoid a plea agreement offence. If you have questions or concerns about your plea agreement, seek the advice of an experienced criminal defence lawyer.