The Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Panama was enforced in October 2012, but you might not have heard much about it. Since it’s been a few years now, it’s worth taking a look back at what this agreement means for businesses and economies in these countries.

To start, let’s define what a free trade agreement is. It’s essentially an agreement between two or more countries to reduce or eliminate trade barriers between them. This can include lowering tariffs, removing restrictions on imported goods, and opening up markets to foreign investment.

In the case of the US-Panama Free Trade Agreement (FTA), it means that goods and services can be traded more easily between the two countries. This includes everything from agricultural products to financial services, and it’s especially good news for US companies looking to expand into Panama.

So why is this good for business? For starters, it means that US companies have greater access to the Panamanian market, which can mean increased sales and profits. In addition, it helps to level the playing field with local businesses, who may have previously had an advantage due to trade barriers.

Furthermore, the FTA also includes protections for intellectual property, which is important for US companies looking to sell their goods and services in Panama. This can help prevent piracy and counterfeiting, which can be major issues in some countries.

Of course, there are some potential downsides to the FTA as well. For one thing, it can lead to increased competition from Panamanian businesses in the US market. Additionally, it may not be beneficial for every industry or company, so it’s important to do your research before deciding to dive in.

Overall, though, the US-Panama Free Trade Agreement represents a significant step forward for businesses in both countries. By opening up markets and reducing trade barriers, it can help to boost economic growth and create new opportunities for companies looking to expand their reach. Whether you’re a small business owner or a Fortune 500 executive, it’s worth considering how this agreement might impact your bottom line.